Schobe and Nfasano

Comparison Topics


(1) What kind of tool or resource are you thinking of focusing on?
social bookmarking
(2) How is this tool useful to college students?
helps students to share thoughts and resources
(3) How will you limit your selection of tools? Some aspects you might use to limit your selection include cost, platform (Mac or Windows), availability (web-based vs. downloadable), and so on.
free, mac or windows, web-based
(4) What criteria might you focus on as you test the tool? Criteria might include ease of use, flexibility, potential uses, and so on.
ease of use, quick loading times, easy access
(5) What process might you use to test the tool? In other words, what will you plan to do in order to see how the tool works and how it measures up against your testing criteria?
try and use it in upcoming papers to see if it is helpful

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